Your dog has diabetes.  Canine diabetes is on the rise in our country, as is human diabetes.  Genetics plays a role in some cases of canine diabetes, but most canine diabetes is due to environmental factors.  One environmental factor that plays the biggest role in dog diabetes, as well as human diabetes, is diet.

For another good recipe example on making homemade dog food, click here. Although the recipe in the  is different, there are good tips on making, mixing, serving and storing any of these dog foods for diabetic dogs below.

NOTE:  These recipes are not Dinovite recipes, but from Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs & Cats.  Pets with diabetes should be under the care of a vet and any questions about diet should be discussed.  

Homemade Diabetic Dog Food (Version 1)

adapted from Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs & Cats 

  • 1 medium egg, hardboiled with shell (crushed)
  • 3/4 cup lean or organ meat
  • 2  cups cooked brown rice or cooked rolled oats
  • 1/4 cup grated or chopped vegetables
  • Add Dinovite for Dogs in at least one feeding per day
  • Combine all ingredients and serve.

NOTE: Without the supplements, this recipe will be nutritionally deficient. 


Homemade Diabetic Dog Food (Version 2)

  • 5 cups raw rolled oats (or 10 cups cooked oatmeal.)
  • 2 pounds (4 cups) raw lean ground beef, chopped chicken or turkey
  • 12 hard boiled eggs with shells, crushed
  • 1/4 cup or 1/4 tube of LickOchops Omega Fatty Acid supplement
  • 1 cup cooked vegetables such as broccoli (may be omitted by choice as these are purely filler.)
  • 1-2 cloves garlic, crushed or minced (optional)
  • Add Dinovite for Dogs in at least one feeding per day

Approximate Amounts To Feed:

  • 10 lb. dog would eat about 1/2 cup daily  (split into 2-3 meals)
  • 20 lb. dog would eat about 1 cup daily (split into 2-3 meals)
  • 50 lb. dog would eat about 2 1/2 cups daily (split into 2-3 meals)

NOTE: These are just estimated amounts and estimated amounts of meals per day.  Adjust these amounts based on your dog's activity level, blood glucose levels, weight, metabolism, etc.

  • As with all medical conditions, monitoring your dog closely while changing diets is key!
  • And, adjusting your dog's diet to meet his health needs is recommended.