To Read Part 1 Click Here.

To Read Part 3 Click Here

Today we are going to learn about how your dog's itching can be from yeast. A yeast infection (or overgrowth) is a direct result of too many carbs, starches, and grains in the diet. These break down into sugars in your dog's body feeding the yeast. So you are really feeding the yeast, not your dog. When the yeast gets out of control, this is when your dog starts to itch and scratch. This is the number one most common household pet ailment. The most common symptoms of  an overgrowth of yeast are; licking and biting the toes or feet, shaking his head, scratching at their ears. This happens when the yeast forms down inside the ear canal.

A dog's ear can be a very sensitive area to clean the yeast out of, so make sure to not use a harsh astringent such as alcohol. Use instead, a natural gentle cleanser like DogOsuds You can also use a little bit of hydrogen peroxide. It doesn't burn, but foams and disinfects. It's great for cuts, burns, open sores/wounds and more. It will help to clean out the infection. However, these temporary solutions are just that, temporary. To have lasting yeast free results, you MUST change their diet.

Yeast can also come out through the pores in the skin and have a very un-fresh yucky smell even after he's been bathed. To help prevent yeast over growth, a Meat protein based diet devoid of carbs must be set in place, and followed strictly. Once you begin this process, he may exhibit some worsening of his symptoms for a few days or weeks. This naturally occurs when the body purges the yeast. It is a necessary part of the process of the body eliminating the infection. To help your dog stay comfortable during this period, you can gently bathe your dog in a luke warm bath with a mild natural shampoo. This will help soothe his irritated skin, and cleanse his skin while you wait for the yeast to diminish. To get rid of yeast, or to learn more about it, click here. To learn how to prepare a raw diet for your dog, click here.