Monday, April 20, 2020:  How are YOU?  We hope nothing but the best for you, your family and your pets during this time.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you navigate what seems to be an ever changing day-by-day new normal. 

We are doing everything we can to keep our team safe, to keep up with the recommendations and laws surrounding the current situation and to provide Dinovite products for your pets, as we have always done.  We will continue to do so throughout this craziness, as long as we are allowed to continue doing so.  We are a very small staff in a very large building, which seems to work really well for this situation. 

There are days we are short staffed and we are asking for your patience.  We normally get your orders out the door and into UPS's or USPS's hands the day you order or the next day (depending on the time you order).  With an extremely slim team, we are doing our best and some days, our best means a slight delay.  Most days, we are able to get your order out as usual, but Mondays are extremely difficult with orders from the weekend.  Again, please bear with us.  We will feel good about hiring when things calm down a bit.  

We are currently taking orders online and by phone.  We are also fielding your questions via Live Chat, email and phone.  

NOTE:  There may be an added day delay on getting your order to you, as we work with a skeleton crew.  But we know what wonderful people order Dinovite and how patient you can be. 

PREFERRED METHOD OF COMMUNICATION is Live Chat on our site. Available 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday.  10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday.

Call center hours are 9 am. to 7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, 859-428-1000.

Email support is available Monday through Friday.

Facebook messenger is available throughout the week as well. 

Please use Live Chat as your first option.  It is available by clicking on the little bubble icon in the bottom right corner of our site at